Querformat Magazin: »Altern«

Jennifer Brozek, Alina Fieberg, Diana Palavandishvili, Sina Pommeranz, Jana Helene Redweik, Julia Schiel, Kathleen Spengler

A group of students designed the “Altern” (e: aging) issue of the german Querformat Magazin, published by the transcript Verlag. Students designed the whole magazine as a group work. While the group discussed the main design with the editing team, each student was responsible for the design and typesetting of several articles and image series. The magazine features a shiny, mirror-like cover, transparent paper starting each article and contains 148 pages. Contentwise, this issue, edited by Sabine Kampmann, Miriam Haller, Thomas Küpper and Jörg Petri, deals with age and aging from the perspective of cultural studies and features artworks from Wilma Hurskainen, Peter Granser, Annegret Soltau, Janna Derwahl and Benjamin Rinner.

3rd and 5th semester Information and Communication Design, Supervised by Jörg Petri and Lea Reck
Partial clickthrough: